1. What are some of the causes for the decline in the tiger population?
2. The largest population of Bengal Tigers is located on the coast of India and Bangladesh. What will the effect be if sea levels rise too high?
3 & 4. Read this paragraph from the article:
"Last month, leaders from 12 Asian nations and Russia met to discuss plans to save the tiger. They are cracking down on hunters and adopting bans on the sale of tiger products. They are also looking for ways to protect the tiger habitat."
For number 3, write the sentence that tells the effect. For number 4, write the sentence that tells the cause.
If you have time read about tigers by clicking this link.
5. What are your final thoughts on the declining tiger population?
*A cause is a person, event, condition, or reason that is responsible for an action or result.
*An effect is a result brought about by a cause.