On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States. Many memebers of the media and close to 400,000 poeple attended his inauguration. Time For Kids send two of their student reports to attend the inaugeration and to write about it. Sydney Turner wrote this article and Harrison Gilman wrote this article. Read both articles. Compare and contrast the two articles on the class blog. In addition, respond to their articles by stating your own opinions.
The two articles are different because the first article was about how someone thought how great President Obama's speach was. The second article was about a person telling the reader how many people were there.
The two articles are different because the first article was about a girl who went w/ her family.
The second girl went w/ her class for a trip.
both of the articals were the same by both going to the speech
The two articles are the same because they both talked about what the studets did.
The two articles are different because one talked about meeting someone that looked like Lincin and the other talked how the people were acting .I think these were good articles.
Three raesons why the articles are alike,different and same is that they both talk about the Inauguration of Barak Obama.They both say that there was alot of people at the Inauguration.They both say the people were crying.
1.They are alike because they both saw people cry and cheer ,and there also alike because they went there to see him take the oath and his speech.
2.There diffrent because there was the girl that went to the Illinos ball,and there diffrent because the boy wrote the article about President Obama`s speech that he gave and the girl didn`t write the article about the speech.They both are great ,and I also wanted to be there to see history.
1.Sydney Turner's and Harrison Gilman's articles were the same because they were both talking about how good Barack's inauguration was and how inspired they were.
2.Sydney's article was differant than Harrisons article because she also was talking about the ball.
3.I thought that Barack Obama's speech was very well said and I wanted to get dressed up and be at the ball.
1. The articles were the same because the authors both saw people crying when Obama become president.The first article was diffrent by the author watch the inauguration from the roof.
2.The second aticle was about the amount of people that where there to see Obama become president.The second article was diffrent by the author watching the inaugeration from the ground.
3.My opinion of the articles were great they explained everything thay happened at the inauguration.
The two articals are different because the first artical discuses about how someone thought how great president Obama`s speach was. The second artical discuses about how many people were there.
They are the same because it says how both articals are the same.
The articles were alike because they both were about Barack Obama getting sworn into office and about how many people were there to see his speech.
The articles were different because one was told by a child's point of view one by an adult's point of view. The articles were also different because one was mostly about how much people were there and the other was about the inaugaration and the inaugaration balls.
In my opinon i think acorting to the artical I think that Brock Obama will make a good president because he will try to improve polotion and to get people4 their jobs back.
The two articals are alike by thay both are about the president and the articals are different by one of the articals is by a child and one is by a adilt.
the artical's are alike because they are both about barack obama ,and the inauguration.
the artical's are different because one is writen by sidney terner and the other one is by herroson gilman.
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