Read this Time For Kids article about Kid Reporter Sydney Turner visiting an eco-friendly house in the backyard of the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Illinois. Answer the following questions.
1. Where is the Smart Home located?
2. What is the Smart Home made of?
3. Why is this home called a "Smart Home?" Why do you think it would be a good home to live in?
4. What kind of power does the Smart Home use? Why is this power good for the environment?
5. Would you want to live in a Smart Home? Why or why not?
1. The Smart Home is located in Chicago, Illinois.
2. The Smart Home is made of recycled items.
3. It is called a "Smart Home" because it can turn off lights, music the television, and many other things when you leave the room. It also updates you on the house when you enter the house. It would be a good place to live in because it saves electricity, it is made of recycled items, and it updates you on what needs to be done on your home.
4. The Smart Home uses power from the sun.
5. I would like to live in a Smart Home because I like the idea of using recycled items for homes. I also like that it is earth friendly.I also think it is just a cool place to live in.
1.The Smart Home is located in Chicago, Illinois.
2.The Smart Home is made up of recycable and renewable materials like light bulbs, plastic bottles, and recycled glass.
3.This house is called a Smart Home because it tells how to live a green life but shows you how to do with technology. I think it would be a good home to live in because it not only helps you it helps the world too.
4.The Smart Home uses solar power.
5.Yes I would like to live in the Smart Home because it good for the Earth and helps make my life easier.
1. The Smart Home is located in Chicago, Illinois.
2. The Smart Home is made up of all recycled and reused things.
3. The Smart Home is called Smart Home because it shows you how you can use different technology through the house showing you that you can live a green lifestyle.
4. The Smart Home uses solar power. The power is good for the environment because it use the power from the sun not from the plug or electricity line.
5. Yes I would want to live in the Smart Home because its cheaper,green and the house is helping the environment.
1.The Smart Home is located in Chicago,Illinois.
2.The Smart Home is made of recyclable and renewable stuff.
3.I think because it`s called a Smart Home because when you leave the lights goes off and when u enter they lights turns off.It would be good to live in a Smart Home because it can hepl the world and we can payless then a regular home.
4.The smart home uses a Solar Power.It`s good for the enviroment because you could waste less then a regular home.
5.Yes i would becaus it helps the earth and you payless.
1.Smart homes are located in Chioago and illinois
2.The smart home is made out of dry wall and pant and furnishings and every thing was eco frendly and green and used bamboo.
3.this home is called a smart home because it is a eco frendly home and shows you can live green and a healthy home.
4.A smart home is powered by sunlight and soler power ovens
5.Yes because it would save the planet and more money onm bills.
1. The smat home is located in chicago illinois.
2. The smart home is made of bamboo,recycled glass,recycled cans, and bottles and thats it.
3. The smart home is called a smart home because it doesn't use as much electric.It would be good to live in because you will save alot of money.
4. The power the smart home uses is sunlight. It is good for the enviroment becaese it doesn't give off gasses to the world.
5. I would love to live in the smart home because it wont cost me much once i live there because i wont have to pay for the electric.Also so i wont harm the earth as much
1. The smart house is located in a museam in Chicago illinois.
2. The smart house is made of things we recycle today.
3. It is called a smart house because it can sut off lights when you leave a room, Also, music the tv and many more. It also saves energy and it saves you money.
4. The smart house gains its power from the sun. Its good for the enviorment because it saves lots of energy.
5. Yes i would live in the smart house because when i exit the room im in the light suts off, Also because i could save some money for many other things.
1. The Smart House is located at the Meusem of science and Industrey in Chicago, Illinios.
2. The Smart House is made of renewed and recycled materials.
3. The Smart House is called the Smart House because it is very eco-friendly.It is also called the Smart House because it shows people that it is very important to save energy.I think it would be good to live in because it helps the earth and it does not waste electricity.
4. The Smart House uses the suns energy.Sun power is good for the environment because it helps the Earth
1.The smart house is located in Chicago Illinois.
2.The smart house is made of paint,furnishings to make sure everything was eco friendly and green.
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