Read this article to see what some communities and schools are doing.
1. What does it mean to be a bully?
2. How many states have passed laws to stop bullying in schools?
3a. What is the name of the anti-bullying program used by schools around the world?
3a. What is the name of the anti-bullying program used by schools around the world?
3b. Why is it successful?
4. What are the three different groups involved in bullying? Who are the bystanders and what do they do?
5. What do you think you could do to help stop bullying in your school?
1.it mean to kides beause your bothed by something
2.ther is 44 states that passed bullying
3.bully pervention progam
4.eastern,clason, university,
5.i would tell them how would you like it if someone beat you up every day and take your money
1. To be unkind.
2.44 states.
3. Bully Prevention Program.
5.Tell an adult if someone threteneds me.
1.to be mean to people an beat up people.
2.44 states.
3.bully prevention program.
5.to tell when a bully is beating up someone.
1.Getting bullied means to get made fun of.
2.44 sates
4.The three kinds of bulling are
5.bully,victim,bystanders/bystandersshould tell a adult
wat up
1. to be bullyed means to get picked on and get pushed around.
2. about fourty four states have past this law to stop bulling.
3. the name of the anti bullying program is pervention program.
3. the program is successful because they recanize that every person has a roll to stop bullying.
4. the three different groups that are involed in bullying are bullies victomes and bystanders.
1. To be bothered by others.
2. Their are 44 states
3a Olwweus
1.It mean to hurt other kid and call names.
2.44 state
3a.The name of the program is olweus.
1.Name-calling,pushing or hitting.
2.There are 44 states that passed a
3a.The name of the anti-bullying
program is the Bullying Prevention
Program.3b.Limber says it's successful because it"recognizes
1. Bulling means to bother some one over and over again.
2. There are 44 states that have passed laws to stop bullyiing
3. The name of the anti bullying program is bullly pervention program.
4. The name of the three groups are university, eastern, and clason
5. I think i could help stop bulling in my school by not being a bystander and telling teachers who is bullying who.
1.Being a bulling means picking on people and hurting others feelings.
2.44 states have a law to stop bullying.
3.Cyberbullying is anti-bulling program.
4. Clason University and Eastern.
5.I could stop bulling in my school by telling everyone to please stop bullying and I can put up posters saying"Bullying is not a good thing and you should not be a bully other people!!SPROP
1. bieng a bully means that you hurt people verbly or phiscally.
2. fourty-four states.
3a. Bullying Prevention Program is the name of the program.
3b. Because kids aren't being bullied any more.
4. Bullies, victims and bystanders are the three groups.
4. Bystanders are people who watch but do nothing.
5. I could write strongly worded letter syaing that bullying is stupid and I will make program that prevents bullying.
1.Being a bully means that to hurt someone phisical or verbly.
2.Fourty four states have passed laws that aim to reduce bullying in schools.
3a.The name ofthe anti-bullying program is the Bullying Prevention Program.
3b.It is successful because every kid has a role to stop bullying and bystanders.
4. The different groups are bystanders and victims.
4b. Bystanders are people that are wacthing someone being bullied but dont do anything
1. Bulling means to push, shuf, punch, kick, and to call people names, and leaving out other kids.
2. There has been 44 states that have passed laws to prevent bulling in schools.
3. The name of the anti-bullying program is bully prevention program.
4. The three different groops involved in bulling are eastern bullying, clason bullying, and university bullying.The bystanders are people who are standing there watching someone getting beat up.
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