When it comes to the sea, there are a lot of unexplored things that Scientists are trying to learn about. Recently, Scientists in Japan took a photograph of a giant squid. These giant squids can grow as big as humans. This type of giant squid has arms that glow to caught prey. Above is the first photograph taken of this squid in the wild.
After reading this article, answer the following questions:
1. What is this squid known as?
2. Why does this squid glow? (give 2 reasons)
3. What is this squid missing that other squids have and what does it have in place of them?
4. Why do you think they were able to take a picture of this squid now?
5. How do you think this squid would hunt if it did not glow?
1. The Dana octupus.
2. To communicate, and mate.
3. It lacks 2 feeding tenticles, but does have claws on it`s suckers.
4. By luring it with bait that is near a camera.
5. Maybe by strangling it with it`s tenticles long enough to kill it.
1.One of the biggest animals in the world.
2.SO they can cach ther food so it can communitate with outher squids.
3. Outher squids have claws but the monster glowing squid has lightes.
4.Because they captcher it.
5.I think it would hert them a lot
1.This squid is known as the Dana octopus squid.
2.So they can catch food & to dazzle.
3.Instead of the squids having two long feeding tenacles they have light producing orgazns.
4.They probaly captured it.
5.It would have to go to a place that was not dark.
1.The biggest squid in the sea.
2.THE squid glows becuse for and danger and communication.
3.other squids have no lights and the glowing squid have flashing light on there arms.
4.they captured the squid.
5.it could communication.
1.The squid that is known as a Architeuthis is known as a Monster Glowing squid 2.two reasons why the squid glows is to dazzle thier arms and to catch preys 3.what the squid has that other squid has are muscular fins for swimming and long feeding tentcles to catch big squid 4.
1. the squid is known as dana octopus.
2. the squid glows because it is to let the other squides no of danger or atracting a mate.
4. i think they are able to take a picture of this squid now because they have a bunch of teknollagy.
5. If the squid
* I left early for orchestra.
1.The Dana Squid
2.The Dana Squid to attract a mate and to communacate.
3.The Dana Squid has fins and a sluggish body.
4.I think
* let early for state test
1.Dana the octupus.
2.To warn other squids there's danger,for attracting a mate.
3.It has a pretty sluggish,instead this squid has muscular fins.
4.Because this is a new discovery
the scienetist found out.
5.I think this squid didn't glow
to catch it's prey,this squid hunt
by using it's tentacules to wrap
up the prey.
1. The squid is know as the Dana octupus squid.
2. this squid glows to dazzle and catch its prey.
3. The squid diffrent then other squid because it lacks 2 feeding tenitcles,but it has claws on its suckers.
4. i think they were ableb to luring it with bait along side the camera.
5.If it could not glow I think it would hunt by cutting up its prey.
1.The Dana octopus squid
2.To worn other squids of danger.
3.this squid has ligts and has claws. In place of them is ligt-producing organs.
4.I think they were able to take the picture now because they have better ecimint then they had before.
1. The squid is known as the Taningia danae.
2. Squid glow because thier either communication,such as to warn other squid of danger or for attracting a mate.
3. The squid lacks the two long feeding tentacles that other big squid use to grab prey. light producing organs on the ends of two of its arms
4. I think they were able to take pictures of the squid by either doing some knid of mating noise
( If they have one ) or they lured it in with fish or some kind of bait.
5. I think they would sneak up behind thier prey spray the ink and grab the fish with its tentacles and bite it.
1. The squid is known as the Dana fish.
2. The squid glows beacause it's eather atracting a mate or warning others about danger.
3. The dana squid is bigger than other squids and both dana and regular squids are eatin by whales.
4. I think they were able to take a picture of this squid now because the squid lit up so the camera saw it.
5. I think this squid would be able to hunt even if it did not glow because it could blend in with other objects in the sea.
1. The squid is known as the Dana Octopus.
2.The squid glows because it is hunting or attracting a mate or warning others of danger.
3.The Dana fish is bigger than most other fish but what they have in common is that both kinds of fish get eatin by whales.
4.They can be able to take a picture now because they have better tecnologie like where they can go into cages and take the picture themself
5.I think it would hunt by blending in with parts of the ocean.
1.The squid is known as the Dana octupus squid.
2.Researchers think it glows to warn other squids or for attracting a mate.
3.The squid is missing two long feeding tentacles but has claws on its suckers.
4.I think they were able to take a picture of the squid now because they lured it with bait.
5.I think it would hunt with it's tentacles.
1. This squid was known as the Dana squid.
2. The squid glows to communicate and to attract a mate.
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