Time For Kids link shows historic photos of some important events in both the life of Martin Luther King Jr. and the struggle for civil rights. Look over the 7 slides and read the
description of each slide. Pick 2-3 slides and write about how YOU feel about that slide and
description. BE OPINIONATED! Don't put something basic like, "I like slide ___
because it shows Martin Luther King Jr. fighting for Civil Rights." That's boring - this is a blog post where you can tell the class how you feel about a topic, not just retell the facts from a story. If there is something you don't understand, then write about that in your blog entry and we can answer it as a class.
1. In slide one it talks about how thousands of people are helping martin luther king jr make it posible that blacks and whites can be together .
2. I alsow liked slide 4 because it talks about how MARTIN LUTHER KING JR PREPARID the I HADE A
4.I feel great about Martin's I Have A Dream speech on slide four because in that slide that showed him changing the world and showing that black people have rights also.I think Martin did a good job fighting for his rights I would have done what Martin did because instead of really fighting he used words that inspired people.
3.I like slide three because it shows people actually from the protest and fighting for their rights with signs freedom and stuff like that.If I was a protester I would have signs that would say give me my rights or we have rights too.
7.I like slide seven becauseit was how marchers were honoring Martin for what he did No one will forget the great Martin Luther King Jr.I would be in a marching band for Martin anyday.
Come to the Fair
i like this photo or story because they arrive at a Newyork fair in August 12, 1964 and that he had 2 good and wonderful kidz that he love a lot Martin Luther king love when the kidz help their dad that when he spend time with the kidz that is something special that they can spend time that what a lot of familyz wish that they can spend a lot of time with their family and that his wife was a Coretta Scott King after her husband's death and that it was a lot of good time with his family and his kidz it was very sad when Martin Luther king death this was very worng.
Marching in Alabama
I think it was wrong that police were beating up marcher.
I Have A Dream
In this slide it talks about Martain Luther King Jr making a I Have A Dream speech .
1. I like slide 4 because Marton dose somthing incredible for his race. He got a masive group of people that thought the laws where unfaire,and he got the laws to change so evreyone got treated farley.
I had A Dream
1.My opinion about the paragraph is that Dr.king showed peoplehow to treat eachother not by their skin on how you act and were all people and that we should get treated wow oyher people are treated.
March In Alabama
2.What i think about that paragraph is african americans fighting for the rights so they could get taught by the same school and sit where they want to on the bus to show them they are are tired not getting what they wantto protest to show the will get their rights.It shows Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.cares about all people and he fought for his rights without weapons.he was a great person.
Witnesses to History:
I think that the cilderen sould start to get up and start walking too.
Freedom Riders:
I think slide was interesting because i like how they siad that Freedom Riders also inspired others, both black and white, to join the civil rights movement.
I Have a Dream:
I feel that this slide needed more added to it.I think it needed the i have a draem speach.
I have a dream
Dr.Martin L.K. Jr. gave one of the most famous speeches of all time I have dream. I also tink this was one of the greatest speaches of all time. in his speech he talks and fghts for racial equality and make an end to discrimination on blacks. the speech inspired people at the march, it also educated and informed people all across the U.S. The March on Washington and Kings speech put pressure on president John Kennedy to move civil rights laws through Congress.
I think martin luther king jr will be remembered for a long long time.
1. I feel that slide #5 was interesting because i would always wonder if Martin Luther King Jr. ever spent time with his kids, but now I know he does. I am shore that his kids are happy that they have such a nice and caring farther that fights for everyone's right and still bonds with them.
2. I also felt that slide #2 was shocking because I did not know that they blacks and whites were not allowed to use the same bus or train bathroom. Now thats just sad.
1.I really liked slide 3 becuse it's really amazing how many people fighted for their rights.It showed that they were really brave by marching in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
2.I also liked slide 2 because they tried there best to stop seperating the blacks and the whites in buses and train and they did it, they stoped segragation on buses and trains.
* I like paragragh 2 alolt, i did not known that they could not even drink out of the same water fountions!! if i lived back then i would be so angry.they could not even use the same bathroom,I think it would be alot better if they were not rases.
* Paragraph 3 was interesting to me because I didn't know that on August 28,1963 there was 200,000 people came to Liconln's Memorial to to the "march on Washington for jobs and freedom." If i was there I would want to march with Martin L. King and a bunch of dirrerent people.
Come to the Fair!
1. I like this on because it shows that he is not all about his jod, he stends time with the family and he does not bring his work home.
2. I Have a Dream
i like this one because he gave one of the grated speechs,in his speech he asked to stop discimination an many others,also i liked it because in 1964 he was awarded the nobel peace prize.(he was one of the youngested person to get it)
I like slide one because it shows Dr.King fighting for equil rights, and so black and white people can be together, be friends, and not hate eachother because the color of their skin.
martin luther king jr was a good man and peolpe killed him becuse he like helpin others he help rosa parks change the law black people have to sit in the back of the bus and have to give ^up there sit when whites need a sit
$$$$$$$$$$$$$the END$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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