Hello students and parents.
I am using the class blog page as a resource for you and your child to complete their Spring Break work.
I have found that holiday/vacation work can be hit or miss. In previous years I have given out whole packets to students to complete over break just to find them in the trash can at the end of the day. On the other hand, some students (and parents) are eager to have work to complete over vacation/break. Whatever the case may be, as a teacher, I feel it is necessary to provide work for students who wish to continue to excel. With that being said, I have compiled a list of assignments for students to complete while on break to prevent their brains from "turning to mush." Some students will complete it, while others will do nothing - the choice is theirs (and yours). I understand that it is a lot of work - you don't have to complete everything, just complete what you can.
1. Complete at least 5 blog assignments that other students have created. http://www.tomasulo411.blogspot.com/
2. Read your library book and complete a book report. Here is a link for a book report template. Either hand write the book report or type it in Word, then send to class email.
3. Math: Go to Compass Learning http://compass.dcboces.org/childu/index.html, go to math, then to the folder titled "Spring Break 2010 - Math(4)" and complete assignments in any order you wish. You can complete assignments in any order.
Again, it is more than enough work, so complete what you are comfortable with. Keep in mind that we have the State ELA Test at the end of April and the State Math Test in the beginning of May.
Have a great break!
Mr. Tomasulo