Yoga sandalsRead this article on Sandals and answer the following questions.
1. Where was the oldest pair of shoes found?
2. What did the ancient Greek use to make sandals?
3. How do you get athletes foot?
2. What did the ancient Greek use to make sandals?
3. How do you get athletes foot?
4. Compare how the sandals long ago are alike and not alike from the sandals we wear today.
5. Explain how the sandals are made for outside. What kind of stuff do they do to make it comfortable for outside?
6. Explain how different the sandals here are from the ones found in Esparto in 6th or 5th millennium B.C. for yoga sandals?
7. What if you were in a company and you were a assigned a job to make your very own sandals. What kind of special features would it have and would you sell them or give them out free, and why?
5. Explain how the sandals are made for outside. What kind of stuff do they do to make it comfortable for outside?
6. Explain how different the sandals here are from the ones found in Esparto in 6th or 5th millennium B.C. for yoga sandals?
7. What if you were in a company and you were a assigned a job to make your very own sandals. What kind of special features would it have and would you sell them or give them out free, and why?
1.The oldest pair of shoes were found in Oregon, fort rock cave.
2.The ancient Greek used willow leaves, twigs and fibres.
3.you get athletes foot by walking in moist areas.
4.the sandals long ago were made of twigs and leaves and the ones today are made of rubber or leather.
5.They are for outside because when it is hot out your feet will be able to breath.
6.The sandals here are man made the sandals there are made all natural.
7.The sandals i would make would be pink with white flowers and they would be 7$.
1. the 10,000 year pair of shoes were found in fort rockcave, oregon
2. they made there sandals out of baxeae, a sandal made of willow leaves, twigs
3. by wearing sandals to much
4. well sandals from now and long long ago are alike because they wee still worn on feet and they are differnet because as milleniums went by the material used to make a sandal changed from twigs and leaves to rubber and leather.
5. they put rubber and leather in the soles of the shoe to make it comfortable.
6. the material is obviously made out of twind and straw and grass. which we americans do not put in our sandals.
7. a special feature i would put in a shoe is a remote control foot warmer.i would give them out for free because who doesnt want shoes with foot warmers. You can walk with sandals on in the winter and melt the snow as you walk and never be cold.
1.The oldest pair of sandels were discovered in Oregen.
2.They used willow leaves,twigs,or fibres.
3.During warmer parts of the year.
4.People from long ago and today wear sandals.The sandals from long ago and today have different material.
5.Their open typed shoes.The sole is made of rubber and leather.
6.The sandal that we wear are made of different material.And Esparto is made of grass.
7.I would add little hearts on it and a big heart middle and I would sell it for $10 dollars.
1.It was found in the U.S. state of Oregon, in fort rock cave.
2.Wollow leaves,twigs,or fibres.
3.Usually, sandals are worn in warmer climates or during warmer parts of the year, because feet stay cool and dry. The chances of developing athlete's foot is lower than with enclosed shoes, and wearing sandals may be part of the treatment for such an infection.
4.the older ones are made of Wollow leaves,and twigs and the newer ones are made of rubber or leather.
5.They are made for out side because they give the feet air.
7.I would add THE NAME on it and a THE ANIMAL THAT THEY LIKE and I would sell it for $50 dollars.
1.The oldest pair of shoes were found in Fort Rock Cave,Oregon.
2.The Ancient Greek used twigs,willow leaves,and fibre.
3.You get a athletes foot by walking a long time with sandals.
The sandals from today and a long time ago both are footwear.
The old ones were made from a different material from the ones today.
5.Sandals are made of rubber so when you go outside you wont feel hot or to cold.
6.The ones found in Esparto are made of twigs and the YOGA ones are made of ruber.
1. The oldest pare of shoes were found in oregon, fort rock cave.
2. The ancient Greek used willow leaves, twigs, or fibres.
3. You get athletes foot by not wearing socks when you are walking.
1) The oldest pair of shoes that were found were spotted in Fort Rock Cave in the U.S., Orgon
2) The ancient Greek used twigs,willow leaves or fibers
3) You get an athletes foot by wearing enclosed shoes.
4) Old sandles were made out twigs, Willow leaves, and fibers. But today, there made out of rubber, leather, wood, tatami, and rope.
5) Sandles are made for outside-wear because your feet will get all get sweaty if you wear sneakers in hot weather. But if you wear sandles, your feet will feel cool.
6) The difference between sandles from the 6th or 5th millennium b.c. than sandles from this century is that before the were made by hand.
7) I wouold make a purple sandle with gold stars and diamonds on it that pop out. The straps would be gold with purple stars on it. I wouldn't sell it at first because I would need to see if they are valuable enough
1.The oldest pair of shoes were found in Oregon.
2.They made sandals willow leaves andtwigs.
3.By wearing sandals a lot.
4.The sandals back than and the sandals now are different because they used different material or not.
7.I would add a I-Pod to my sandals.
1.The oldest pair of shoes where found in orgen in a cave.
2.The acient greek used leather,rope and,leaves.
3.By walking in wet areas.
4.Sandals are still warn in the warm weather like long ago.And long ago sandals were made out of leaves and now there not made out of leaves.
5.Sandals are made for outside because you dont wear socks when you where sandals and sandals have holes in them so your warm.
6.The sandals are clean now and not dirty.
7.People who dont have shoes I would donate to them but people who have shoes they would have to buy it.And I would make them colorful with diamonds.
part 1.
1.Fort Rock Cave in the U.S. state of Oregon; radiocarbon dating
2.a sandal made of willow leaves, twigs, or fibres worn by comic actors and philosophers; and the cothurnus.
3.and tinea pedis[1]) is a fungal infection of the skin that causes scaling, flaking, and itch of affected areas.
4.sandals in the old days where not as nice looking as the one we have today and the sandals we have today are made different then back then
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