Some major cities are thinking of making laws that prohibit people from using cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices on the street. Read Scholastic News (Feb. 21 edition) page 7 and post your honest thoughts. Be sure to be clear and use examples - responses should also be appropriate.
My opinion is that you shouldn't ban electronics from the crosswalks because if someone is hurt, how can they call help. Also, if someone like your boss calls about something important and if you don't pick up the phone, you could lose your job. If you are getting robbed, you wouldn't be able to call for help.
I'm not really on any sides here. But I do think you should be paying attention to the road and not your ipod or whatever. You should bring a cellphone that works for emergencys too. You could bring your ipod to walk or somthing, but maybe turn it off when you cross the street so if a guy yells something to you, you can hear them. It would be smart not to thought. Like I said, i 'm not on any sides here, but you can take my words for good advice for next time you want to listen to your ipod when you walk again. Thank you for reading!
I think there sholdent be a law for using gagets on a cross walk.I'm not saying people should not pay attntion when they walk across the street because their all in their elctronics,but if you are misstakenly given a fine or a tiket because it was an a emergancy call.Its almost exaclly like the saggy pants icsue why would someone get a ticket for the way they exprese themselves through clothing,so why have a law for useing cellphones,ipods or any electronic.
My opinion is that you should ban electronics from crosswalks but,only for teens of course.Teens are stupid and don't pay attention.I bet your asking how do I know?Well I'll tell you if you get off my back ok I have a big brother his name is Jimmy and he is 13 years old and he is on his cell phone all the time and once I asked him a question and instead of answering he hit me with a pillow so that shows stupidness.My little brother is on his electric scooter all the time and he almost got hit with a car yesterday.I actually show some stupidness to like when I'm at Sallys with my mom I'm on my ipod and I almost got lost.Lets talk about the street and the drivers these days shall we.They all race on the road and nobody looks both ways before crossing they just go.But,if we ban electronicts from the crosswalk,you have to make more crosswalks.So we should all put our brains in gear and think.
You are right. There shouldn't be a law for banning electronics. Because what if someone is calling for help. Seroulsily!!! Because if they don't have a cell phone, something else can happen to them.
Well,Hailey I kind of agree its bad not paying any atention to the road instead of your ipod or whatever.But,in someways I disagree
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