Thursday, February 14, 2013

Esperanza Rising and Holes connections...

How does Abuelita's blanket in Esperanza Rising compare to Stanley carrying Zero up the mountain in Holes? Any similarities? Any connections? What does it symbolize?
This is open ended but I've very curious to see the connections you all can make.


michael.a.d said...

the blanket hase moutins and valleys and caveman has to climb up a moutin with someone on his sholders. he has to rise with some one sick on his back.and esperanza has to rise with her mom who is sick , they also both have to take care of the the other person with them(zero, mama).they both have to get to the top of the mt.

Ashley said...

I think Abuelita's blanket is similar to Stanley carrying Zero up the mountain because Stanley and Zero started down in the valley. Esperanza is down in the valley because her life started at the top of the mountain and now its in the valley. Ezperanza is in the valley because mama is now ill and her father died, also her house burned down. Stanley and Zero are at the bottom of the valley when they started. Now since Stanley is carrying Zero up the mountain, they'll be at the top with Esperanza (soon).

marlaina said...

Theres a connection between Esperanza Rising and Holes because stanley is in tough place (bottom of the vally) right now too because he is in the middle of no where carrying a big guy up a tall,steep moutin.But he made it nearly to the top and he carryed someone up it thats amazing! thats
at the top of the valley/ moutin.
i'm not sure this is right but this is just what i think.