Sometimes strange things happen in nature that scientists may or may not be able to explain. Right-click and
skim this article on Ten Freaky Forces of Nature (Note: This article is 4 pages). After you've
skimmed the article I want you to pick three of the "freaky forces" and blog about why you think they are interesting.
(Before you ask, your response should be 3 paragraphs, one for each "freaky force.")
1. It was just a normal day. Then there was a thunderstorm. So far it was just a regular old thunderstorm. But then all of a sudden there was a fire ball almost the size of your head apeared. It was very freaky.
2. One day all of a sudden it stared raining frogs. It was very wierd one person said "I thought a airplane was filled with frogs and exploded" it was very freaky
1."Flaming Twisters"is interesting how wild fires can make there own weather and create flaming twisters.
2."Great Balls of Fire" is interesting that when normal lighting hits the ground it can create a ball of lighting.
3."Its Raining Frogs"is vngf interesting how tornados can suck up frogs and realease them miles away.
During a thunderstorm a glowing ball the size of your head appears.It hovers a few feet from the ground. 2.1000 years ago people were killed by hail the size of baseballs fell on the victims heads 100 miles an hour. 3.The fastest wind speed recorded is 318miles an hour in Olkhalmah.
1.I think a giant hale storm would be pritty scary.I think it is interesting because why is their
be a hale stor that big?
2.I think that a gaint ball of snow would be pitty because that is what they siad.They also said that it could go up to 700 miles an hour.
3.It whold be realy weird
1.I find thunderstorms cool because they are wild.It was a reguler day.Then a freak thunderstorm happened.It was regular but a fire ball the size of an adults head appeared.
2.Flaming twisters are cool because they can be caused by alot.In this aticle they are caused by a wild fire.It is cool how wild fires make there own weather.
3.One day it started raining frogs.A person thaught a plain blew up thet was loaded with frogs.
1.The first thing I think was interting was the tornadoe that it ran for 318 miles per hour that is very intresting to run that fast.
2.1,000 people ggot killed in Himalayathat was caused by a hail.storm really intresting about a hailstorm ,that were size of baseball victims got killed by landing on there heads.
3.All of a sudden there was frog were falling od=f every were is it wierd.
1. The freaky force that I liked was the raining frogs because it was awesome and cool to know that a tornadoe can pick up frogs and fish and drop them miles away from the water
2. Another freaky force I read about was the mystery waves they are a ten feet tall coming at you like a unstoppable freight train caused by a undersea earthquake.
3. The last freaky force I read about is the flaming twister it is a wildfire that can create it's own weather and can be 50 feet wide and grow to be as tall as a 40 story building.
1. the freaky force that i read about was fire Balls thay are the size your head thair very dangerous.
2.A nother very dangerous force isFlaming twisters thair are made of fire thay can make thair own weather.
On one day all of a sudden it started to rain frogs.It was very weird one person said.The person said i thought an airplane was filled whith thousands of frogs and exploded.I thought that was interesting because I allways wanted to see frogs fall out of the sky.
Once 1,000 years ago thousand of people weren killed over a hailstorm over the size of your head
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