Although dinosaurs have been extinct for over 65 million years, scientists are still learning a lot about them. Read the Kids National Geographic article called Dino Death Pit! and answer the following questions. Remember, You only have 30 minute at this station - work quick and give concise answers. If you have trouble with a question, skip it and then come back to it.
- 1. In your own words, describe what "quickmud" is. (1)
- 2. Dinosaurs that lived 230 million years ago were about the size of what animal? (2)
- 3. Page 3 of the the article talks about a "bizarre toothless meat-eater called a ceratosaur." Why is this dinosaur "bizarre?"
- 4. How was Guanlong's arms different from the Tyrannosaurus Rex's arms? (5)
- 5. Would you want to play in "quickmud?" Why?
1.Quickmud is sort of like quicksand.It is made of ash from volcano and water. It was very thick.
2.The dinosaur's that lived 230 million years ago were about the size of todays german sheperd. They were small.
3. I tought the toothless meat eater dinosuaur was bizarre. If it was a meat eater with no teeth how would it chew the meat?
4.The Guanlongs arms are stonger then the T-Rexs. The T-Rex's hands are weak.
5.I would not like to play in quikmud because you could sink and die.I would be scared to play around in it.
1. Quickmud is like realy muddy quicksand.
2. Dinos that lived 230 million years ago were about the size of a german shepherd.
3. I think that the ceratosaur was bizzare because I don't know how they would kill or eat it's food because it has no teeth.
4. The Gualong's arms were different because it's arms were more muscular than the t-rex's arms.
5. No.Because 1,i'll get very muddy, and 2, it is very dangerous.
I think quickmud is a goey mud trap.
2.They were the size of German Sheperds.
3.It is bizarre because it spied on prey and eats meat.
4.Guanlongs arms are different because there stronger than the other dinnosaur.
5.I wouldnt want to because Id sink and die.
1.Quickmud is a tipe of mud that sinks you down only if you step on it.
2.Dinosaurs were the size of a german sheperd,its incredible.
3.Its bizzare because it can eat meat with no teeth.
4.The Tyrannosaurus Rexs arms are diffrent because the Guanlongs are stronger then the Tyrannosaurus.
5. I would not like to play with qiuck mud its to dangrouse because you will sink and there will be no help.
1.Quickmud is realy sticky mud that you can easly get trapt in.
2.Dinosaurs that lived 230 million years ago wear about the size of today's german sheperds.
3.I think it's bizarre because it is a toothless meat-eater.
4.Guanlong's arms are stronger than the T-rex's.
5.I would not like to play in quickmud because I would get stuck.
1.Quick mud is simolar to quick sand.
It is made of water.If you go into Quick mud you probably wont get out.It is some tipe of really thick mud.
2.Dinosaurs that lived two hundred thirty years ago were the size of a german sheperd.They were pretty small for e killer animal.
3.The toothless meat eating dinosaur was the bizarre.How
(I had to go to band)
1.Quickmud is a combination of moisturized earth and volcano ashes that is super gooey and thick like quicksand.
2.Dinosaurs that lived 230 million years ago were the size of the dog called a german shepard.
3.They call the Ceratosaur bizarre because it has no teeth and it eats meat. Also it's ancestor was the Triceratops and the Yinlong.
4.Guanlong's arms are differrent from the Tyrannosaurus Rex's arms because the Guanlong has strong limbs and showed that they grabbed their food with their hands and the Tyrannosaurus Rex gets their food with their teeth because their arms are wimpy and short.
5.I would not want to play in quickmud because if the dinosaurs got trapped what make you think that we won't get trapped and we are certainly not stonger than the dinosaurs from long ago.
1. Quickmud is sort of like quicksand. quick formed from ashes and water.
2. Dinosaurs that lived 230 million years ago were the size of german sheperd
3.The dinosaur is bizzare because how can he eat meat whith no teath.
4.The guanlongs arms are diffrent because the tyrannosaurus dose not use it`s arms the gulongs use there arms to grab prey.
5. No i will not play in quickmud because it will sink me in.
1. I think quickmud is like quuicksand because you could sink in to it.
2.They were about the size of a German shepert.I think that is so werd.
3.I think it is bizarre because it would be hard to eat meat with out teeth.
4.The Guanlongs have very short arms comepared to the rest of them.
5.I would not play in quickmud becasause i would not want to get stuck.
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