Read this article and learn about unique traditions, celebrations, and holidays that occur around the world during December and January. MAKE SURE YOU READ ALL 3 PAGES OF THE ARTICLE. After reading, discuss on the blog what you found interesting, unique, different, or just plain weird. It's OK to have a different opinion, just remember to be respectful of other cultures. There is no format on how to answer, so just have fun with this one.
I found Three Kings Day very interesting. I have never heard of that holiday.Did you know it was celebrated twelve days after christmas,neather did I. I didnet even know that Tree Kings Day was real.My friend told me about it because she celebrates it.It was vary interesting.
I think the Chinese New Year is cool because they make dragons and dance in the dragon costume. I think Hanuka is very different because how they celebrate it with candels that stand for different stuff.
I found Hanukka very interesting.I did not know that they ate potatoe pancakes!I also found Three Kings Day normal because I celebrate it.
celeIn Gregorian I think it is cool how there are fireworks to brate the New Years.It is different how in China New Years falls on different dates.In Eid Al Adha it is w interesting how on the 10 day of the month they celebrate.Christmas is the celebration of baby Jesus.
1.What I found intersting was on the Three Kings day that theres a day after the Three Days of Christmas called "Epiphany" I never knew that & leave presents under kids beds it`s like Christmas.& I didn`t even know aboutthe other holiday called"Eid Al Adha I have never heard of it it must be a good holiday too because all holidays are great even the ones I dont celebrate.
1. what I found interesting was on the Three Kings Day the three kings would leave presants under childrens beds. I did not no that in Hanukka the menorah had 9 candles instead of 8. I think it is wierd that Three Kings come into your house and leave presants.
One thing I found interesting was in Hawii they say santa comes on a boat.
Another thing was that on chinese new year the poeple in china stay up until midnight to light off fireworks.
I did not know three kings day existed.
I did not know that chinese New Year fell between january21st and Febuary20th.
I like how they excplain how they celibrate there diffrent cultures.
1.I found Eid Al Adah because i never new that muslims have special celebration for Christmas.
2. One thing i found weird was that in Hawii is that a guy comes from Australia on a boat dressed like Santa Clause.
I like Kwanzaa because I like the color of the candles ane like the the reasons ffor the candles especially creativity.
I found Eid Al Adha, Festival of the Scarifice unique because Muslims scarifice the animals to keep the tradition alive of when Abraham scarificed his son to be obiedent of God.
I think Chinese New Year is different because they think the color red will give you good luck and gold will give you wealth.
I think Hanukkah is interesting because I like the menorah I think it is pretty and the potato pancakes sound very good.
I think Winter Solstice is plain wierd because they light candles and other things on December 21st to coax the sun to come back since it is the shortest day.
1.Hanuka is different because they use candels I thick it is weierd.
2.I found three kings day interesting because first I never heard of it and is celebrated twelve day after christmas
Something I found interesting was the chianes new year because diffrent colors such aa gold means wealth.
I found Hannuka unique becase you get to litght one candel every night for eight days.
I think kwanzaa is diffrent because the candels have to be black,red and green and i just think that is kind of strange mabey it simbelises something.
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