Your brain is on of this most wondrous and mysterious organs in your body. Although scientists have learned much about the brain, there is still a lot to be learned. Read this article from National Geographic Kids to discover exciting information about the brain. Remember to read all three pages of the article. Answer the following questions.
1. If you're having trouble learning something, what does the article suggest you should do?
2. How many neurons (brain cells) does your brain contain?
3. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, describe how your brain is like a "supercharged pinball machine."
4. True or False: Your brain produces its own electricity. Write the title of the paragraph that proves or disproves this statement.
5. How fast do neurons send signals to your brain? Give your own example on why it is important for neurons and your brain to send and receive messages so quickly.
1.You should go outside and play a game and then go back and try the problem again you might just get it.
2.Your brain contains about 100 billion neuron cells.
3.Your brain is like a supercharged pinball machine because if you see somthing or feel somthing your sences send a
message to your brain then to your musculs to move.
4. Your brain genorates enough electricity to power a lighbulb
True. Your brain does make its own electricity.
5.Neurons send signels to your brain 150 miles per hour.It is important for your brain to send and recive because otherwise you couldent do alot of things such as move or talk as fast and you could get hurt.
1. If your having trouble with something you should practice.
2.There are 100 billion neurons in your brain.
3.Its like a supercharged pinball because it moves very fast and so does your body when it receives a message.
1. It suggests that you should go outside and play a game then come back and try the question again.
2.Your brain contains about 100 billion neurons.
3. It is likea supercharged pinball machine because it sends a message to your muscals to tell you to move.
4. True. Your brain does make it's own electricity. The article is called " Your brain generates enough electricity to power a lightbulb."
5. Neurons sends messages to your brain at about 150 mph. If you
1. The artical suggust that if your stuck on a homework problem you shuold go outside and play a game of soccer.
2.A braine has 100 billion neurons.
3.A brain is like a "supercharged pinball machine" because we never stop thinking abuot anything.
4.True:"Your bain generates enough electricity to power a lightbulb."
5.Neurons send information to your brain at 200 miels per hour.It is important because no one would get hurt but with this reflex you cuold save someone or a animal
1. The author says "that if you are stuck in a promblem you should go outside and play a game of soccer".
2.It contains 100 Billions brain cells.
3.It sends messages so fast it is so faster than a super computer.
4.Your Brain generates enough electricty to power a light bulb.
5.How fast it travels 150 miles per hour and 241 kilograms.It is important because if you have a cat and it`s about to land in the pool you want to save it and you body sends a message to your brain and then you could save the cat.
1.If your having trouble learning something the passage says to do something and then come back to it and you might just know the anwser.
2. The amount of brain cells that are in your brain are 100 billion cells.
3. Your brain acts like a supercharge pinball machine because if you see or feel something your cells send a message to your brain and you move fast.
4.True. Your brain does generate its own electricity.It is the first paragraph.
5.Your neorons send messages about 150 miles.It is important because you could get hurt really bad like if you left your hand on a stove you could get burnt but you have neorons.
1. The artical suggest that you play a game of soccer and then try the problem again.
2. Your brain contains about
100 BILLION neurons.
3. Our brain's are like a "supercharged pinnball machine" because lots of messages zoom through your head like a pinnball machine.
4. True. Your brain generates enough electricity to power a light bullb.
1.The article says that you should go play a game and then try the problem again.
2.Your brain contains 100 billion neurons.
3.Your brain is like a supercharged pinball machine because the neurons send messages very very fast.
4.It is true that brain produces it owns electricity. The title of the paragraph is your brain generates enough electricity to power a lightbulb.
5.Neurons send messages to your brain as fast as 150 miles per hour. It is important because if it went slow you could get hurt
1.you should try to play a game of basketball and then try the problem again.
2.A humens Brain countains 100 billon brain cells.
3.Your brain is like a pinnball machine because your it will send messages to your nervices system very fast.
4.true it dose produces its own electrisity.
1. The artical suggestes that you should play a game of soccer and try the problem over again.
2.Your brain cells contain 100 billion brain cells.
3. Your brain is like super charged a pinnball machine because it sends messages so fast to your nerves system.
4. Your brain generates enough electricity to power a lightbulb.
5.your neors sends a message 150 miles a hour,it goes that fast because if a bee is about to sting you your nervice system tells the musles to tell the leg to move so you dont get stung
1.you sould go outside and play or play a game then try your problem again
2.your brain contain at least 100 billion neuron cells 3.your brain is like a supercharged pinball machine
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