1. What character traits best describe Lincoln?
2. In your own words, what does this quote from Lincoln mean? "If slavery is not wrong, [then] nothing is wrong."
2. In your own words, what does this quote from Lincoln mean? "If slavery is not wrong, [then] nothing is wrong."
3. Lincoln is considered to be one of the greatest Presidents. Why?
4. When and where was Abraham Lincoln born?
5. What can kids do every day to honor Lincoln’s life?
6. In what order was Lincoln the president?
1. Some character traits are that he is kind, against slavery, and honest.
2. It means that slavery is the worst thing you can do,so if that isn't wrong, nothing is.
3. Because he put the biggest influenged people to be against slavery.
4. He was born on Febuary 12, 1809
1.Lincoln was very honest,truthful,very kind and gentle.
2.I think that means that if slavery is ok then murder and going around killing people is ok.
3.Lincoln is concederd the best presedent because he got rid of slavery.
4.Aberham lincoln was born in a log cabin in kentuky.
5.They can think about him and honor him.
6.He was the 16th presedent.
1.The traits that best describe Lincoln are a person that tries his best and doesn't give up.
2. To me I thing think it means that most of the wars are being faught because of slavery so if that's done with they wouldn't be fighting.
3.Because he got rid of slavey.
4.Lincoln was born in Kentucky on February 12,1809.
5.By spending him.
6.Lincoln was the 16 president.
1.Some of the traits are that he is a honest,Kind and doesn`t like slavery.
2.That if slavery is not wrong then killing a president is not wrong
3.He was considert the best president because he went to war so we can be.
4.He was born in February 12,1809.In a one room log cabin in Kentucky.
5.They can honor Lincoln by visit his tombstone and put flowers on top of the tombstone.
6.He was president the {16}president.
1. Some of his character traits of Lincoln are his good aditude and he was aganst slavery.
2. It means he is not agreeing with slavery.
3. He is considered the best president because he got rid iof slavery.
4. He was born on February 12, 1809and he was born in his 1 room log cabin.
5. They can think about him.
6. Lincoln was the 16th president
1. Lincoln is a honest, nice and against slavery.
2. That means that if slavery is okay than people will think that they will get away with murder.
3. Lincoln is know for one of the greatest presidents because he influenced other people to be against
"4. Lincoln was born in Kentucky on February 12, 1809.
5. Kids can talk about him and what he did.
6. Lincoln was the 16th president.
1.The character traits that best describe Lincoln are honest, determined to banish slavery and is kind.
2.The quote from lincoln means that if slavery is a good thing then everything is right even the bad things because slavery is the worst thing to do a human being.
3.Lincoln is considered one of the greatest Presidents because he wrote the Emancipation of Proclamation to free the slaves and then an amendment to the constitution was made to banish slavery.
4.Lincoln was born in a one room log cabin on February 12,1809 in Kentucky.
5.Kids can honor Lincoln's life everyday by rading about him and trying to follow in his foot steps.
6.Lincoln was the 16th president.
1. i think that the character traits that best discribed lincon is kind and cairing.
2.i think that when lincon said if slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong he ment that slavery is so bad and it was ok that you could do anything.
3.i think that lincon is one of the greatest presedentes because he helped amarica thrugh the civl war, and he got rid of slavery
4. lincon was born on feb.12 1809 in contuckey
5.kids could make posters to honor lincon
6.lincon was the 16th presendent
1. Some character traits is that he dousn't give up, is truthful and he is honest.
2. It means that slavery is so bad that if it is not wrong nothin is.
3.He is considered to be one of the best president because U.S. during the worst time made through with the problems.
4. He was born on Febuary 12,1809 in a one room log cabin in Kuntucky.
5.Kids can honor him by thinking of him when they do the plege of alegence to the flag.
6.he was the 16th president of the U.S.A.
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