William Shakespeare was one of the greatest playwrites of all time. His plays were written over 500 years ago and are still talked about today. Right click and open
this brainpop link. Watch the video on William Shakespeare and answer the folllowing questions. (To login to brainpop, the username is
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1. When was William Shakespeare born?
2. 14-lined poems are called _______.
3. What was the name of Shakespeare's theater?
4. What is a comedy?
5. What is a tragedy?
6. What is your favorite Shakespearian play and why? If you've never seen one of his plays, think of a play you would like to see and why.
1. He was born in 1564.
2. A 14 lined poem is called a sonnet.
3. The name of shakespeares thearter was The Globe.
4. A comady is a funny story or movie.
5. A tradedy is something shocking.
6. I like Romeo & Juliet because it is very romeantic and it was very interesting.
1. He was born in 1564.
2. A 14 lined poem is called a sonnet.
3. The name of Shakespears theater was the Globe.
4. A comedy is a funny movie/story
5. A tragedy is a terribal or violent.
6. The play I would like to see is Hamlet because I would like to see if the people believe him if the brother did kill his brother and if the people believe him.
1.William Shakespeare was born in England in 1654.
2.14 lined poems were called sonnet.
3.The name was The Globe.
4.A play that is funny and always ends with people getting maried.
5. A tragedy is something that is terrible or violent that happens.
6.My favorite is Hamlet because it has a lot of violent and weird parts.
1. He was born in 1564.
2. It is called a Sonnet.
3. The Globe.
4. A play that is funnyand always ends in marrige.
5. A tradegy is a play that always nds in bloody murder.
6. I would like to see Romeo and Juliette.
1. William was born on 1564.
2. The 14 line story is called a sonnet.
3. The name of the theater is the globe.
4. A comedy is a funny movie.
5. A tragedy is a something bad that happens.
6. I would like to see a play because I've heard good things about him and his plays.
1.He was born in 1564.
2.They are called a sonnet.
3.The Globe.
4.A comedy is a movie that is funny.
5.A tradegy is a movie that involves shocking things.
6.Mine favorite play is Romeo and Juliet because it`s sad and romantic.
7.Yes i have seen Romeo and Juliet.
8.i would like to see Hamlet because when Mr.Tomasulo tolled us the story it was intersting and I wanted to see it
1. shakespeare was born in 1564.
2. 14 lined poems are called sonnets.
3. The name of shakespearse theater was The Globe.
4. A comedy is something that makes you laugh.
5. A tragedey is when somthing goes wrong and people in his plays would die.
6. My favorite Shakspearian play is "Romeo and Juliet."
7. I would like to see Hamlet because it sounds interesting.
1.William was born in 1564.
2.the 14 lined plays were called sonnent.
3.the name of shakespear's theater is the globe
4.something funny
5.when someone dies
6.hamlet is my favorite play because it is intristing
1.Shakespeare was born on 1564.
2.a forteen lined poems are called sonnets.
3.The name of Shakespeares thearter is called The Globe.
4.A comedy is a funny movie that is usully ends up with someone gets marid.
5.a tradedy is something sad or shocking.
6.Romeo and juleat beacause i like it and it is very suspentsing when thay both end up dieing.
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