Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Super Trees

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Who's the Fatsest Jaw on the Draw?

Monday, October 25, 2010
Under the Sea

1. How many scientists participated in this study?
2. What type of species was found in the Indian Ocean?
3. Name the two underwater areas that had the most sea life.
4. Why do we need to protect the oceans?
Friday, October 8, 2010
National Geographic Kids

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Welcome Back!

1. Tell us what your favorite animal is and why it's your favorite.
2. Tell us about a book you read over the summer and if it was good or not.
3. Read this National Geographic Kids story [right-click and open in new tab]. Summarize what you've learned using 3-5 sentences.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
All I Really Need To Know...
All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten
by Robert Fulghum
Most of what I really need
1. Which of these is the most significant to you?
2. In a second paragraph add to it your ideas on"All I Really Need To Know I Learned In 5th Grade." Have fun, it's the last blog entry!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Questions about Middle School

Next year many of you will be going to middle school. Take a few minutes to brainstorm any questions you may have for the counselors tomorrow. If you want, check out the sites to Twin Towers and Monhagen to brainstorm your questions. Possible questions could be related to:
How does a locker work?
How big are the lockers?
How long is the school day? When does it start and when does it end?
What is study hall? What do you do there?
What kinds of sports are there?
What will our schedules look like?
How long is each class?
Please write any other questions you may have.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Spring Break Work

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Dolphins - Oceana

1. Name three things that the researchers agreed about the dolphins.
2. What are the two dolphins that are in the multi – species group?
3. Why do dolphins toss seaweed back and forth?
4. Typically, dolphins live and travel in groups and ranging from ______ dolphins.
5. Compare and Contrast two things about the Spinner dolphin and the Spotted dolphin.
6. What behavior indicates a close friendship between a dolphin and another dolphin species? Dolphins also have been watched doing what?
7. If you where a scientist that studied on dolphins , what’s something new that you would discover ?

1. Will a genet live peacefully with all pets?
2. How long can A GENETS TAIL GROW?
4.HOW DO GENETs MARk their territory?
5. Can a genet be a house pet?
6. Can you train a genet like a cat?
7. Is a genet a mixed breed?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Boxing - Nia

Friday, March 19, 2010

Yoga sandalsRead this article on Sandals and answer the following questions.
2. What did the ancient Greek use to make sandals?
3. How do you get athletes foot?
5. Explain how the sandals are made for outside. What kind of stuff do they do to make it comfortable for outside?
6. Explain how different the sandals here are from the ones found in Esparto in 6th or 5th millennium B.C. for yoga sandals?
7. What if you were in a company and you were a assigned a job to make your very own sandals. What kind of special features would it have and would you sell them or give them out free, and why?

2. Do you think that Venus Williams Is a good tennis player, why or why not?
3. Where was Venus Williams born?
4. What is Venus Williams Favorite color?
5. Do you think Venus Williams is a better tennis player than her younger sister Serena?
6. If you were Venus Williams What would you spend your money on?
7. What would you do if Venus Williams came to your house saying you won 1 million dollars?!
Richard - The Amazing Galaxy!

1. What star is in the milkyway galaxy?
2.What kind of galaxy is the milkyway galaxy?
3.What number is parsecs in diameter?
4.What are small galaxies also referred to?
5. What do you think is cool about the galaxy?
7. If you we able to go to space and look at the galaxy what would you do?
2. How many pounds of meat does a tiger need to survive?
3. How many tigers are left in the whole world?
4. How are female’s tiger’s territories different from male tigers and how they are the same?
5. If you were being attacked by a tiger what would you do?
6. If you were the tiger that defended other tigers how would you defend them from hunters?
7. What would do if you wanted to save an endangered tiger?

3. What schools were buying a lot of Gatorade?
4. Why do you think they named it Gatorade?
5. What was the difference from when there was no Gatorade to now?
6. Do you like Gatorade? Why or Why not?
7. What if they stopped selling Gatorade? What would you do?

1. What is the name of the TV show Chris Angle has now on A&E?
2. How old was Chris when he first started magic?
3. What did Chris do as a kid for fun?
4. How is Chris Angle different and alike from a clown?
5. If you had a TV show what would it be about and why?
6. If you had to make a deal with a hotel to sponsor your show which would you pick and why?
7. What if Chris Angle was at the performing at the mall would you ask him?

2. What high school Allen Iverson went too?
3. When did Allen iverson go to the NBA?
4. Do you think Allen Iverson will goo in the hall of fame? Which sentence from the article explain this?
5. Was Allen Iverson the most Valuable Player?
6. When did Allen Iverson beat Shaquille O'Neal?
7. Compare Allen Iverson to Shaquille O'Neal?
8:Compare how Allen Iverson is different from the beginning of his career to the end?
Jose Reyes-Christian

1. What is Jose Reyes’s middle name?
2. How old is Jose?
3. Name one of the two scouts that brought Jose on the Mets roster?
4. How would you compare and contrast Derek Jeter and Jose Reyes?
5. If you met Jose how would you react?
Emily - Wolves

Klaus- cats

2. How many toes do cats have on there back paws?
3. What do cats use to see if they can fit is a space?
4. Pet owners live longer, and happier lives and they live longer than people that people don’t have pets. Is that true? Why or why not?
5. How do you feel about someone killing a cat?
6. Would you help a cat in need? Why or why not?
7. What if there were no more cats in the world?

Who is Casey Daigle and what baseball team did he play for?
When Jennie Finch struck out 119 batters and only walked 10 what year, what team did she play for, and how many games did she play?
What if softball never came back to the summer Olympics what would that do to some of the fans?
Compare and contrast what the difference is between softball and baseball.
Did you think that it was cool that Jennie struck out 119 and only walked 10 in seven games? Why or why not?
Did you think it is shocking that reporters called Jennie to talk about her, NOT Arizona Softball? Why or why not?
Yo-Yo ma By Daniel

1. Yo-Yo Ma is the best cello player of our generation. When did he become a professional at the cello?
2. How many Grammys has Yo-Yo Ma received?
3. What world famous city was Yo-Yo ma born in?
4. How would you compare and contrast Yo-Yo Ma’s style of music to Taylor swift’s style of music?
5. What style of music do you like most and why?
6. How would you describe yo-yo Ma in your own words?
7. What would you do if you were a world famous classical musician?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Compare and Contrast

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
What is the cause?
Sunday, February 21, 2010

1. What are some of the causes for the decline in the tiger population?
2. The largest population of Bengal Tigers is located on the coast of India and Bangladesh. What will the effect be if sea levels rise too high?
3 & 4. Read this paragraph from the article:
"Last month, leaders from 12 Asian nations and Russia met to discuss plans to save the tiger. They are cracking down on hunters and adopting bans on the sale of tiger products. They are also looking for ways to protect the tiger habitat."
For number 3, write the sentence that tells the effect. For number 4, write the sentence that tells the cause.
If you have time read about tigers by clicking this link.
5. What are your final thoughts on the declining tiger population?
*A cause is a person, event, condition, or reason that is responsible for an action or result.
*An effect is a result brought about by a cause.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Chinese New Year

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Your Thoughts...

For the past two weeks we've been watching CNN Student News and having discussions on the stories from around the globe. Because of time, not everyone gets a chance to chime in on topics that interest them. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! Write about some of the topics that we've been discussing and tell the class how you feel. Yes, you can be opinionated. You can write about any topic that has been on CNN Student News.
*Do not retell the story, GIVE YOUR OPINION.*
(Past topics included: Toyota recall, Haiti, the economy, Winter Olympics, Black History, the education system, Black History Month, war, national security, etc, etc, etc...)
Friday, January 29, 2010
State of the American Kid: 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
On the Road to Civil Rights

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Australia Sightseeing Guide