1. What color eyes do cats have when there first born?
2. How many toes do cats have on there back paws?
3. What do cats use to see if they can fit is a space?
4. Pet owners live longer, and happier lives and they live longer than people that people don’t have pets. Is that true? Why or why not?
5. How do you feel about someone killing a cat?
6. Would you help a cat in need? Why or why not?
7. What if there were no more cats in the world?
2. How many toes do cats have on there back paws?
3. What do cats use to see if they can fit is a space?
4. Pet owners live longer, and happier lives and they live longer than people that people don’t have pets. Is that true? Why or why not?
5. How do you feel about someone killing a cat?
6. Would you help a cat in need? Why or why not?
7. What if there were no more cats in the world?
1. Cats are first born with blue eyes.
2.cats have four teos on thier back paws.
3. A cat uses it's whiskers to tell if the space they are contemplating entering is big enough for them.
4. pet owners have longer happier lives because they have less stress and less heart attacks.
5. I think if someone kills a cat they should go to jail because its like killing a baby. But you know what they say " when one life ends another starts."
6.no i would not help a cat in need because my mom has alergies. and i hate cats.
7. i would be happy because i dont like cats and my mom would have no alergies anymore.
1.blue eyes
2.4 toes
5.I would be so mad
6.yes because i love cats
7.I would be so mad
1. bule eyes.
2. 4
3. whiskers
4. true because less stress and have less heart attacks.
5. mad
6. yes because it is good to help animals.
7. I would get a dog.
1. cats have blue eyes.
2.cats have 4 paws.
3.cats use there whiskers.
4.yes it is true.
5.i would feel sad for the cat.
6.i will help a cat in need becuse i dont like anamal cruelty.
7. i will be mad becuse i love cats.
1. cats are first born with blue eyes.
2. cats have 4 toes on there back paws.
3. cats use there whiskers to see if they can fit in spaces.
4. pet owners live longer and happier lives because they have less stress and less hreat attacks.
5. if someone killed a cat i would be very mad and probobley cry.:-(..
6. i would help a cat in need because i can not stand to see anyone suffering.
7. if there where no cats left in the world i would be very angry because that is my favorite animal.
1.When cats are first born they have blue eyes.
2.Cats have four paws on their back paws.
3.Cats use their whiskers to see if certain spaces are big enough to fit in.
4.Pet owners live happier and longer because the owners will less stress and less heart atacks.
5.If they kill a cat i would just be a little sad and kind of mad.
6.I would help a cat in need even if i dont like them.I would help them because i dont like animals suffering from starvation or homelessness.
7.I would both feel both happy and sad.I would feel happy because i dont like cats.I would feel sad for the people who really enjoy their time with cats.
1. They have blue eyes
2. They have 4 toes on there back paws
3. There whiskers
4. Yes because the owners have an less stressful life and less heart attacks.
5. If an cat dies, my reaction to it is like a heart burn, an irritation.
6. Yes I would help an cat in need because even though its not a human, they have feelings like we do so I would try to protect or cure them so they won't feel hurt in any way.
7. If there were no more cats in the world, mice would be squirming around everybody's houses.
1.Kittens have blue eyes when there born.
2.Cats have 4 toes on their back paw.
3.The cat uses it's whiskers to tell if the space they are contemplating entering is big enough for them.
4.Pet owners live longer, happier lives with less stress and less heart attacks.
5.Angry,because somebody killed a cat.
6.Yes,because it has no home ,food or water.
7.I would be sad because I like cats.
1. Cats are born with blue eyes.
2. Cats have 4 toes on their back paws.
3. Cats use there wiskers to see if they can fit somewere.
4. Pet owners live longer, happier lives with less stress and less heart attacks.
5. I feel mad about someone killing a cat and its like someone killing you.
6. I would help a cat in need because I love cats and I cant stand a cat dieing.
7. If there were no more cats in the world I would kill myself.
1.When cats are first born they have blue eyes.
2.Cats have 4 toes on there back feet.
3.To see if the cat can fit in a space he uses his or her whiskers.
4.Pet owners live longer and happier lives with less stress and heart attacks.
5.I think the cat killer should back off the cat is a living creature it has a heart just like you and I.It did nothing to you.
6.I would help a cat because its a living creature you would help youre mom if she was in need so help a cat theres no difference.
7.I would be mad and I would try to explore for more cats.
1.Cats have blue eyes when they are born.
2.Cats have four toes on there back paw
3.Cats use there whiskers to tell if they can fit into a space.
4.yes because they have less stress.
5.i would be sadd and mad.
6.no because if they have rabbies u can get it if it bites you.
7.i would be sadd and have to deal with it.
1. When first born cats have blue eyes.
2. They have 4 toes on there back paw.
3. They use there whiskers to feel the space between them.
4. The owners live longer and happier lifes because they have less stress.
5. I think is stupid and wrong to kill a cat.
6. I would help the cat in need.
7. I do not know what would happen if there were no more cats in the world.
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