Thursday, February 7, 2013

Close Reading of Carmen's quote...

On page 76, Carmen says:

“I am poor, but I am rich. I have my children, I have a garden with roses, and I have my faith and the memories of those who have gone before me. What more is there?” 
This quote is pretty deep and has a lot of meaning. What is your analysis of this quote? What do you think it means? Post your response.

Guiding questions that you may want to include in your response:
  • How can she be poor and rich?
  • Is it ironic that she uses "roses" and "memories" in the same sentence?
  • Is there more to life than children, gardens, and memories?


Joshua said...

I think that Carmen meant alot when she said "I am poor, but I am rich." I think she meant that she is poor but rich in the sense of having everything she needs. Also, when she said "I have my faith and the memories of the ones that have gone before me." I think she meant that she has her faith and she thinks about the memorys of her loved ones that have died.

Eryn said...

I think that this quote means that even though she's poor she still has enough things to help her stay alive. I think when she sais I have a garden of roses she means that she has a life of diffaculties and also a life with happy things and she doesn't give up looking for hope that somthing good will come someday in her life and she will also remember those who passed away before she did. When Carmen asks ''What more is there?'' I think she maens that she is happy with what she has even though she has little. She is happy that she still has her children even though she lost a lot.

Anthony said...

I think she is saying that she knows she is poor but she considers her self rich. She considers her self rich because she doesn't need every thing a rich person has. She is thankfull for every thing she has. She is thankfull because there is more to life then stressing over what you dont have. All Carmen needs is her children her rose garden and the faith she has for those that have gone before her.

Anonymous said...

I think the qoute means carmen is poor but she has what she needs and all she needs is food for her kids and for her and a roof over all of ther heads.She has it and that all she needs and that is like being is ironic that carman uses "roses" and "memories" in the same sentence sinch the roses that papa planted before he died

Avery said...

When Carmen says that she is poor and rich she means that even though she is poor she is rich in her own way because she has alot of things that she cares about more than money that she has little of.It is ironic that she uses "roses" and "memories" in the same sentence because later in the book that is what Esperanza, because that is all Esperanza and Mama have left in the camp that they have to live in because they are no longer rich and, they do not have Papa ether. There is not more in life than children, gardens, and memories because you cam ownly get what you can and, to be happy what have because alot of people did not have the very few things that they did.They where lucky that they had a job to to make money to take care of there family alot of people did not get half of that. That is why she said she was rich and poor.

Reymond said...

You can be poor and rich at the time is because you are poor but you still have a family, you still have a nice garden with roses. So you kind of both because you do not need a big house or a servent, and nice dress, parties. All you need is a nice famliy and a garden so you can still have house. So now do you see that you can be poor and rich at the same time. Real rich people think that all life is about, is money no thats wrong life not about money yes you need money to live but not be a brag about it all you need to live is shelter food and a love giving famliy.

Kiara said...

When Carmen says “I am poor, but I am rich. I have my children, I have a garden with roses, and I have my faith and the memories of those who have gone before me. What more is there?“ I think that is very deep in thought.I think it means that she has faith in her family and in her life when she says“I am poor, but I am rich.” she is stating that even thow she is poor she can't ask for anything more than what she has here.When she says “roses” and “memories” it is just like later in the book with Esperanza and the rose bush with Papa's memories in the bush.

Israel said...

Carmen meant alot when she said "I am poor but I am rich". I think she meant that even though she is poor she is rich in other ways, such as having a garden full of roses, chidren, and faith in her memories. It is ironic that she uses roses and memories in the same sentence because Esperanza's dad had a garden full of roses and now it's all memories because her Papa is dead and the garden burned down along with the house. There is not more to life than children, roses, and memories, because thats what she holds precious to her.Unless you hold different things precious to you.

Shadiamond said...

When Carmen says "I am poor,but I am rich" she means she might have no money no house and no good clothes but she has the most important thing in her life that is her family.Carmen has a rose garden and maybe that might have been her husbands rose garden.Carmen always thinks about all the good memories Esperanza used to have a rose garden that was her papi's and esperanza thinks about the good memories that her and papa had.There could be more to life but, it depends if you ask a poor person or a rich person.A rich person would say yes because they could buy anything they want but, a poor person would say no because they dont wake up with money and a nice house they all have to depend on each other like this quote "the rich take care of the rich and the poor take care of those who have less than they have

Santos said...

I think Carmen meant many things when she said "I am poor,but i am rich."I think she meant that she does not have money but she has her family and stuff that other people don't have. I think she is trying to say that she has everything she needs to have a good life.Carmen says something about love ones who came before her and im thinking she is meaning about the great memories she had with them.So to have a perfect life is not always having lots of money.When she says Roses and Memories in the same sentence I was thinking she was saying she has good times and bad times

Alex said...

This qoute means that she is poor and she has no money, but she is rich because she has everything that matters. She doesn't care that she doesn't have money. She is just happy that she has her children, her garden, and her faith and memories. She thinks she is rich because she thinks of those things as her money, and that nobody in the world has those exact things. She has the memories of the people that had a problem like this before, they got through, and so will she. She thinks more about what she does have more than what she doesn't. It is ironic that she uses roses and memories in the same sentence, because it is like the roses that Papa planted and how his memory will live on forever. On page 124 of the Almonds chapter, Esperanza says "Now if they bloomed she could drink the memories of the roses that had known Papa." They use "rose" and "memory" in the same sentence again. Even though she doesn't have a lot she has enough to survive. She is poor, but she is rich because she can afford the things that matter. Like her children, garden, faith, and memories. She thinks that if she can afford to keep that stuff alive she is rich enough.

sidney said...

I think tis qoute means that she has what she needs to stay alive like food , water, and a shelter. Carmen can be poor and rich at the same time because she has a garden with roses and like i said before she has what she needs and her familys cloths might not be nice but she is trying to say she has what shes needs forher and her family to stay alive.There is more than life than to children,a garden, and memories.When Carmen says,"What more is there," I think she mean she is greatfull of what she has and she is not complaining about were she lives and how she dreeses and that everything is going smooth with her and her family.

jordan H said...

I think this quote means that she is poor but she has inportant things in her life to make her feel like she is rich but she is not really rich . When she says "I have a garden with roses "she means how she had difficulties in life and times she had to stand up for her self because she is poor.+

Ryan said...

When carmen says "I am poor I am rich" she mean she is poor on the outside but rich on the inside. So she have her children because the love ones she has is with her and she is kind of like Esperanza and Mama because her husband died and got left with eihgt children to take care of. Like Mama she got stuck with the servats and Esperanzaso their kind of the same. She has a granden of roses because probaly her husband planted those rose bush just like papa planted their rose bush for everyone. she has faith in the memories because those memories ment be come to life

Jordan G said...

when Carmen says I am poor but I am but rich she means she is poor in the outside but she is still rich in the inside.

mayra said...

This is what i think, carmen means that being rich or poor does not matter who you are.when she said that she has her chidren, i think she means that she is happy with the things she has! she is also asking what more can she get, than the beauiful things that she has! So i think it means a lot who cares if you are rich or not it is fine with her! I think this is lesson to be told, everyone has a great life you should never give it away! carmen means this !!!!!!!!

gabriella said...

gabriella says.....

I think the quote means that she is poor but rich. When Aboulita comes with her money from the bank. She will come to the camp and get Esperanza and Mama and buy a nice house.
What Carmen mean by the roses and memorys is Mama, Esperanza and the roses have a memory with each other because the roses were Papa. Mama and Esperanza fell like Papa is still with Esperanza and Mama. I think that quote is so nice I love how Carmen put so much thought into how he wrote that quote. It ment so much about that book. I think it should be on the front and back of the book.

Lindsay said...

I think Carmen means by, "I am poor but I am rich." is she used to be rich but now she is is ironic how she uses roses and memories in the same sentince because she has a garden of roses too she has nothing else that she needs.There is more to life than children, gardens,and memories.I think what she ment by, "I have my faith and memories of those who have gone before me." is she honners those who died before her.I think so far this book was amazing and touching it was brave of Miguel rescuing Abulita during the fire.

cassandra said...

I think that Carmen is saying that I have whatI need I have cirldern to take good cary of them.I don't have money but it doesn't mean that she can't have a good life with the people she love.I think when she meant thet she has her faith and she think about the people in her family and friends that have died in the past and the memorys with friends and family.The part with 'I have a graden with roses'I think means she has what she needs to have a good life with her family.I think the quote means that people are different and they think different, do things different and have a different life and live diffrenet.

Allison said...

I think this quote means that even though she doesn't have a lot of money, she has what she loves and that is the most important thing to her. She has all she needs to have a good life. It's ironic that she mentions roses and memories in the same sentence because Esperanza has some of Papa's roses that she hopes will bring back memories of Papa. To Carmen, there is nothing more she wants in her life. But someone else might think differently. Someone may want a pet or another person will not want a garden. It's in the eye of the beholder. I think that Carmen is the future Esperanza because Carmen has roses, an important flower to Esperanza, and Carmen says she has "faith and memories of those who have gone before me." I think she means Papa.

alexia said...

In this quote Carmen is basicly trying to tell you that she is poor but there is still has a shelter, food,her family,and carmen can still support her family.And what carmen means of a garden of roses think about a rose the thorns stand for the difficultes in life but on the bright side the flower is soft and smooth she has evrey thing she needs to live.

saria said...


Shara said...
