Wednesday, February 6, 2013


On pages 131-133, Marta is using kittens as a metaphor for the farmers.
How are the farmers like the kittens?
How does Marta suggest they fight being “like kittens”?


Israel said...

The farmers are like kittens because Marta compares them to "small, meek animals" (on page132), they won't get what they want if they don't speak up. Marta suggests that they fight for better pay and housing also by going on strike at the peak of the cotton farm.

Anthony said...

The farmers are like kittens because Marta is saying that they will be treated like "small, meek animals"(pg132).Marta suggests that they speak up "for higher wages and better housing" by going stike (pg132).

Alex said...

Marta thinks the farmers are like kittens because they won't stand up for their rights. Marta stands up and does want ever she can, but everybody else is worried about loosing their jobs. On page 133 a man says "that is a chance we can not take." On page 132, Marta says that she thinks that they should have better housing and be treated as fairly as the rich. The farmers are small and are getting pushed around by the more powerful, and Marta doesn't like it. She thinks that if they team up and fight they will get better working conditions. On page 132 a man says "maybe all that cat wants to do is feed it's family. Maybe it doesn't care what all the other cats are doing." Marta thinks this is unfair, but the farmers just came here to work and that is what they want to do. But Marta suggests that they go on strike. Marta says "we are going on strike in two weeks"(page 132). Marta stand sup and causes trouble. The farmers Ae here to work and don't want to get fired.

Allison said...

The farmers are like kittens because the farmers are, "small, meek," and are getting pushed around by more powerful people (p 132). Marta suggests that they team up, go on strike, and speak up. On page 132 to 133, Marta says, "If we all stop working, if all the Mexicans are juntos, together...She made a fist and held it in the air, ...then maybe it will help us all!" She wants to do this because she wants everyone to get higher wages and better housing.

abby said...

marta says the farmers are like kittens becaues they are "small ,meek animals"(p132).
marta suggest they fight by going on strike and not doing anything work wisee.on page 132 it says "we are going on strike in two weeeks".

Ashley said...

Marta thinks that the farmers are being treated like kittens because the farmers are being treated like "small, meek animals." There being treated like that by there bosses because they are not giving them decent homes like the richer (page 132). Marta and her friends believe that if they go on strike, they will get better housing and more wages ( paycheck ). The other farmers don't want to lose there job because they can't afford it.

beverly said...

The farmers are like kittens becouyse Marta says "is this what we are small meek animals" this means that the farmers don't get treated well.

teamare said...

THE FARMERS ARE LIKE KITTENS beacause they dont speak up,there small meek animals,. marta says on page (132) that this is how they treat us and that is why were are going to strike!!!!!

roxy said...

The farmers are like kittens because they both are''small, meek animals''. They both don't stand up and fight.

Jorge said...

The farmers are like kittens because the farmers are small and powerless just like the kittens. When Marta picks up the kitten she says "This is what we are!" On page 132 a man yells "Maybe all that cat wants to do is feed its family. Maybe it doesnt care what the other cats are doing." Marta thinks thats wrong because they need better living conditions. Marta wants to strike at the peak of the cotton which is when there will be more work.

Evon said...

Marta is using kittens like farmers because farmers are meak and cant stand up for them selfes.Marta suggests that they fight for better working condistions and for better paying and better houses they will get what they want and their are going to go on stike at the peak of the cotton.(on page132)

nadia said...

The farmers are like the kittens because,kittens are and meek and they can't take stand.On page 132, Marta says,"with no decant homes(cabins)and at the mercy of those bigger than us richer than us".

michael said...

Marta suggests that they strike for more money and bigger house and better job. she relates the farmers to kittens because the small meek creatures she thinks theuy wont be like kittens if they stand up to the camp oners.a man called out maybe all that cat wants is to feed its family. maybe it doesnt care what all the other cats are doing. that explans how they want to strike there exactely like cats they dont care what any other people think or maybe they want to feed the young ones.also what if when the strike they lose there jobs because there are people who need that job.

austin said...

In Esperanza rising chapter 8 page 132 marta states that the farmers shoud be treated fairly while holding a kitty.Marta finally said that''we will go on strike in two weeks''. I could not agree with that because we could not afford to go on strike if i were Esperanza

Unknown said...

I agree with you Anthony