Monday, December 15, 2008

Winter Celebrations!

Read this article and learn about unique traditions, celebrations, and holidays that occur around the world during December and January. MAKE SURE YOU READ ALL 3 PAGES OF THE ARTICLE. After reading, discuss on the blog what you found interesting, unique, different, or just plain weird. It's OK to have a different opinion, just remember to be respectful of other cultures. There is no format on how to answer, so just have fun with this one.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Your Amazing Brain

Your brain is on of this most wondrous and mysterious organs in your body. Although scientists have learned much about the brain, there is still a lot to be learned. Read this article from National Geographic Kids to discover exciting information about the brain. Remember to read all three pages of the article. Answer the following questions.

1. If you're having trouble learning something, what does the article suggest you should do?

2. How many neurons (brain cells) does your brain contain?

3. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, describe how your brain is like a "supercharged pinball machine."

4. True or False: Your brain produces its own electricity. Write the title of the paragraph that proves or disproves this statement.

5. How fast do neurons send signals to your brain? Give your own example on why it is important for neurons and your brain to send and receive messages so quickly.

Monday, December 1, 2008

We Can Stop Bullies!

Bullying in school has always been a problem, and the problem seems to be getting worse. Read this article on bullying and answer the blog questions. Working together, we can stop bullying once and for all!

1. Why do some people act like bullies?

2. What can parents, teachers, and students do to prevent bullying?

3. What does Edward Baker believe?

4. How many students miss school every day because they are afraid of getting bullied?

5. Describe the You Have the Power! program.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Shiloh Student Response

Look at a friend's post in Shiloh Chapter 4-7. I want you to post a response about what they wrote. Describe how you agree with them, how you disagree with them, and any other comments you have about the reading or their post. Example:

Dear Paul,
I read your post and thought _________.
When you wrote________ I agreed with you because ____________.
When youo wrote________I disagreed with you because __________.
I also thought it was interseting that you _____________.
Your Classmate,

Shiloh Chapter 4-7

In chapters 4-7 in Shiloh Marty lies to his friends and family so that he can protect Shiloh from Judd Travers. Answer the following opinion questions.

1. Is it ever OK for people to lie?

2. Is Marty doing the right thing by lying, or is he making things worse?

3. If Shiloh could talk, what would he tell Marty?

4. If SHiloh could talk, what would he tell Judd?

5. Is it OK for Judd to abuse his dogs because he was aboused by his father? Why or why not?

If there is time, read someone a friend's post and respond to them (I also agree because... No, I don't agree because...) and post it in Shiloh Student Response.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Where do the Candidates Stand?

The election is tomorrow. Take a look at this link and read about how the different candidates stand on some of the important issues.

Your task:
  • First, look at each of the issues and write a 1 sentence summary of what each candidate thinks. Write your responses on a separate piece of paper.
  • Next, pick 3 issues you feel the most strongly about. Blog about each of these 3 issues and which candidate you are siding with.
  • Last, write a sentence stating who you are voting for and why.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who's the Fastest Jaw on the Draw?

Which animal has the fastest snapping jaw? If you’re guessing a shark or perhaps an alligator, you’ll have to think smaller. Read this article to find out and then answer the following questions.
  1. What is another word for mouth parts?
  2. To explain how a trap-jaw ant's mouth moves so quickly, they compare its jaw to a ___________.
  3. About how fast can an ant move its mouth?
  4. Who is Sheila Patek and what is her job?
  5. How does a slow motion camera help scientists better understand how a trap-jaw ant eats?
  6. Use 3 adjectives (describing words) to describe the trap-jaw ant.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Lunch Crunch

As everything in the world becomes more and more expensive, school distict cafeterias are feeling the crunch as food prices rise. Read this article and answer the following questions. Remember, there are many ways to answer these questions, so be original and explain yourself.

  1. Why have many schools raised lunch prices this year?
  2. Should schools be required to offer nutritious food options? Why or why not?
  3. Is it okay for schools to stock vending machines with unhealthful snacks? Explain.
  4. What would you do to deal with the rising food prices? Explain.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dino Death Pit!

Although dinosaurs have been extinct for over 65 million years, scientists are still learning a lot about them. Read the Kids National Geographic article called Dino Death Pit! and answer the following questions. Remember, You only have 30 minute at this station - work quick and give concise answers. If you have trouble with a question, skip it and then come back to it.

  • 1. In your own words, describe what "quickmud" is. (1)

  • 2. Dinosaurs that lived 230 million years ago were about the size of what animal? (2)

  • 3. Page 3 of the the article talks about a "bizarre toothless meat-eater called a ceratosaur." Why is this dinosaur "bizarre?"

  • 4. How was Guanlong's arms different from the Tyrannosaurus Rex's arms? (5)

  • 5. Would you want to play in "quickmud?" Why?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Freaky Forces of Nature

Sometimes strange things happen in nature that scientists may or may not be able to explain. Right-click and skim this article on Ten Freaky Forces of Nature (Note: This article is 4 pages). After you've skimmed the article I want you to pick three of the "freaky forces" and blog about why you think they are interesting.

(Before you ask, your response should be 3 paragraphs, one for each "freaky force.")

Sunday, September 14, 2008

ELA Station

Let's talk MORE politics. Read this article on Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain and answer the following questions:

1. What is historic about McCain’s choice of Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate?

2. How did Hurricane Gustav affect the Republican Convention?

3. How many guests attended the Republican National Convention?

4. Who did John McCain choose as his running mate?

5. If elected, do you think Sarah Palin will be a good Vice President? Why?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ELA Station

Let's talk politics! Click here and read the article on the Democratic National Convention. After reading the article post a response answering the following questions:

1. Think about Barack Obama's experience - what makes him a good leader? (think about his education, upbringing, political experience, etc)

2. Barack Obama always talks about bringing "change" to America if he is elected president. What kind of "changes" will he bring?

3. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama "battled" earlier this year to run for president. Obama won this "battle," he now running for president, and Hillary Clinton supports him. Do you think it is hard for Hillary Clinton to support Barack Obama? Why?