Monday, November 7, 2011

Should Schools Stop Selling Chocolate Milk?

Read both sides of the Debate of the Week in Student News and sound off with your opinion.
*Just put your name - NO nicknames!*

Thursday, November 3, 2011


*Remember to hit "refresh" and to right-click to open links in new window. If you want, open Word and type your answers there. *

Read the Time For Kids article on school and answer questions 1 and 2.
Then, read the National Geographic article on Thanksgiving and answer questions 3,4, & 5.
Use information from the articles!

1. Which scores have gone up and which scores have gone down? By how much?
2. Why is reading tougher to learn in the class than math?
3. [The Celebration] How did the Puritans and the Native Americans celebrate the first Thanksgiving? Give 3 examples from the reading.
4. How did the Puritans and the Native Americans dress for the first Thanksgiving?
5. Using information from the Thanksgiving article, how can we improve in ELA by learning about Thanksgiving?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Schould the U.S. Continue to Explore Space?

Read the Debate of the Week in Scholastic News and sound off with your opinion of the US space program.