Sunday, September 21, 2008

Freaky Forces of Nature

Sometimes strange things happen in nature that scientists may or may not be able to explain. Right-click and skim this article on Ten Freaky Forces of Nature (Note: This article is 4 pages). After you've skimmed the article I want you to pick three of the "freaky forces" and blog about why you think they are interesting.

(Before you ask, your response should be 3 paragraphs, one for each "freaky force.")

Sunday, September 14, 2008

ELA Station

Let's talk MORE politics. Read this article on Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain and answer the following questions:

1. What is historic about McCain’s choice of Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate?

2. How did Hurricane Gustav affect the Republican Convention?

3. How many guests attended the Republican National Convention?

4. Who did John McCain choose as his running mate?

5. If elected, do you think Sarah Palin will be a good Vice President? Why?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ELA Station

Let's talk politics! Click here and read the article on the Democratic National Convention. After reading the article post a response answering the following questions:

1. Think about Barack Obama's experience - what makes him a good leader? (think about his education, upbringing, political experience, etc)

2. Barack Obama always talks about bringing "change" to America if he is elected president. What kind of "changes" will he bring?

3. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama "battled" earlier this year to run for president. Obama won this "battle," he now running for president, and Hillary Clinton supports him. Do you think it is hard for Hillary Clinton to support Barack Obama? Why?