As everything in the world becomes more and more expensive, school distict cafeterias are feeling the crunch as food prices rise. Read this article and answer the following questions. Remember, there are many ways to answer these questions, so be original and explain yourself.
- Why have many schools raised lunch prices this year?
- Should schools be required to offer nutritious food options? Why or why not?
- Is it okay for schools to stock vending machines with unhealthful snacks? Explain.
- What would you do to deal with the rising food prices? Explain.
1. I think they are raising the price of food in the cafiteria to keep healthy food on their tray.
2. They shoud be able to put healthy food choices on the menu.Such as carriots, chicken, exc
3.I think they should put some healthy food items like fruit bars.It is also bad to stock up on junk food because you can gain alot of weight.
4.I would buy healthy but cheap food.I would also ask some of the kids wate healthy food they like.
1. I think many schools have raised there prices because they want the kids to be healthier.
2. Yes. Because kids need a healthy food diet.
3. I think that there should be a little bit of junk foob, but mostly healthy food to encourage them to have a healthy diet.
4. I would have a price debate with the school & talk to the school district.
1.Schools have raised prices to combat rising costs.
Students should get healthy food because if they didnt they would get sick.3.Yes because people get tired of healthy food sometimes.4.I think they should put the normal price back.
1.the cafeteria are raising the price for healthy and safe food.
2.yes they have for nice and healthy foods for the kids.
3.yes because the have to put healtthy food for the kids .
4.yes i would ask the princabal of the school to have a vote should we have junk food or healthy nutritious food.
1. I think they raised the prices because they need money and they wanted the children to be healthy.
2.Yes, I think that they should have nutritious options so no matter what they choose they will stay healthy.
3.It is not a good idea for the school to put vending machines in the school. They need to put healthy things if they want to put any thing in their.
4.If I where in that mess I whould bring my lunch to school.
1.Many schools have raised lunch prices this year because they want to feed the kids healthy lunch and by the foods being so much money they had to raise the price so they could pay for the food they need for the children.
2.Schools require nutritous meal options because if they don't the kids that buy lunch will become unhealthy and end up with a lot of diseases and they will turn out to be obese.
3.I think it is okay for them to put unhealthy snacks in the vending machines because it is a way to earn money for the school but they could try to find something healthy to put in the machines.
4.Something I would do to deal with the rising food prices is to have a weekly bake sale and probably a monthly fundraiser to geta little extra money to buy healthy food.
1.I think they are raising the school prices because they are trying to keep nutrition foods.
2.The schools are allowed to put nutrition foods like apples,and cerial exc.
3.No it is not okay for students to get unhealthy things from the vending machine because that is to much suger in the kids stomach and they will get hiper so when the kids get in there classes they are hiper and jumping around.
4.What iwill do is to go argue with the school's Distric and tell them not to have a vending machine in the school.But i will say you should have like a snack table twice a week.
1.I think thay rased the price of school lunch because they are trying to make it more helther.
2.I think thay are required to offer to surve nutritious food because it would be helpful in many ways such as better eye site.
3.i think puting more nutritious friut in the friut bar would be better so to stop child obsti
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