Which animal has the fastest snapping jaw? If you’re guessing a shark or perhaps an alligator, you’ll have to think smaller. Read
this article to find out and then answer the following questions.
- What is another word for mouth parts?
- To explain how a trap-jaw ant's mouth moves so quickly, they compare its jaw to a ___________.
- About how fast can an ant move its mouth?
- Who is Sheila Patek and what is her job?
- How does a slow motion camera help scientists better understand how a trap-jaw ant eats?
- Use 3 adjectives (describing words) to describe the trap-jaw ant.
1. Another word for the mouth peice is mandible.
2.They compare the jaw to a bow & arrow.
3.The ant's move their mouth at least 78 to 145 miles per hour.
4.Shelia Patek is an assictent professor at the University of California.
5. The slow motion camra helps scientists because the ant eats so fast at least 78 to 145 miles per hour.
6.Word's that best describe the trap jaw ant are descusting,weird,& freaky.
1.Another word for mouth part is mandibles.
2.To exlain how a trap-jaw ant's mouth moves sow quickly,compared it to a blink of a eye.
3.About how fast a ant can move it s mouth is 78 to 145 miles per hour.
4.Sheila Patek is a assistant professor of intergrativen biology at the University of California Berkeley.
5.A slomotion camera helps scientist understand better things about creatures that they are
1. Another word for the mouth parts of the trap-jaw ant is called mandibles.
2. They compare the trap-jaw ant's jaw to a bow and arrow.
3. The ant can move it's jaw about 78 to 145 mph.
4. Sheila Patek is an assistant professor of integrative biology.
5. A show motion camera helps scientists by slowing down the snap-jaw's speed so the scientists determine how fast it's jaws can move.
Another word fior body parts is mandibles.2.They compare a trap jaw ants mouth to a blink of an eye.3.A trap jaw ant can move its mouth 35 to 63 meters a second.4.Shelia Patik is an assisstant proffeser of integrative biolegy her job is to help the proffeser at the University of California.
5.A slow motion helps letting the scientist measure the mouth.6.3 words describing a trap ant is 1 dan
1.The other word that means the same as mouth is called mandible.
2.they compare itto a bow&arrow.
3.They can move there mouth to 78 to 145 miles per hour.
4.Shiela Patek is a assistant professorof at Univserty of Californa.
5.Its helps better because the mouth mose fast and they have to see how it opens its & eats.
6.fast mouth ,ugly ,nasty.
1.Anothor word for mouth parts is called mandible.
2.They compare the ants mouth to a bow and arrow.
3.The ants mouth can snap shut at 75 to 150 miles per hour.
4.Shelia paket is a scientest in california.
5.It helps the scientest by seeing it sloley. Because you can't see what an animal eats like at 75 to 150miles per hour
6.Words that describe a snap jaw ant are small,discousting and red.
1.Another word for a mouth part is mandibles.
2.The scientist use high speed vidio techniques.
3.Their mouth can move up to 78 to 145 miles per hour.
4.Sheila Patek is the assistant profesor of intergrative biology at the University of California.
5.A slow motion camera helps the scientists better understand how a trap jaw ant eats because they eat so fast.
6.The trapjaw ant is fast,inerjetic and sneeky!
1.Another word for mouth parts is mandibles
2.To explain how the trap-jaw ants mouth moves so quickly is they compare it to a blink of a eye and a bow and arrow.
3.The trap-jaw ants can move their mouths about 78 to 145 miles.
4.Sheila Patek is a woman who is an assistant to a professor of intergrative biology at the University of California.
5.A slow motion camera helps scientists understand how the trap- jaw ants eat by letting them get every little detail by catching it in slow motion and so they could get how fast they close and open their muoths.
6.Three adjectives descibing a trap-jaw ant is they are very fast,small and htey are jumpy.
1.Another word for its mouth is mandibles.
2.To explain how theatrap-jaw mouths move so quickly, they compare there mouth to a blink of an eye.
3.An ant's mouth can move as fast as about 78 to 145 miles per hour
4.Shaelia Patek is a helper of profesor of integrative ofd the University of California
5.Slow motion cameras help scientist so they can see how fast the ants can eat.
6.Three adjitives that describe a ant's is that they can move fast,eat fast and grab there food quickly.
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