Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can Animals be Nice?

Read this article to find out how animals can act a lot like humans. Answer questions in any order, just remember to number them.
*If you do not want to type your response, you may handwrite it. (pacing - about 45 minutes)
1. In your own words, what does the first apragraph mean to you?
2. [Foxy freinds] Why did the female fox stop playing with the male fox?
3. [Foxy freinds] How did the male fox react?
4. [Unexpected gift] How did Sniff, the chimpanzee, help the scientist?
5. [One Good Turn] What does the phrase "Scarfed down" mean?
6. [In a Pinch] Sumamrize what happened.
7. Extended Response: describe a time when you withnessed (or heard about) an animal helping another animal.


Cameron said...

1. It means that animals hav thier own code of how live together.
2. The female fox stopped playing with the male fox because the male fox was playing really rough with the female fox.
3. The male foxe's reaction was sad because the Female just walked away. So the male foxbowed down and rolled over and went more gentle on the female the next time.
4. Sniff helped the scientist by getting a fruit and giving it to the scientist.
5. Scarffed down means eat it fast.6. What happened is that a Forest Elephents nose got stuck in a trap and a Savanna Elephent helped take off the trap. When it came off, a little piece of the Forest Elephent's nose came off and the Savanna Elephent took the food and put it in the Forest Elephent's mouth.
7. The time I saw an animal help another animal was on television. It was a lion helping a deer from drowning.

anthony!!!!! said...

1.animals and humans have codes of ethics varying depending on the animal 2.the female fox stoped playing with the male fox because the male fox was pushing to hard reaction to that she walked away and he said heed play more gentle by bowing down and rolling over4.when the scientist was hungry sniff gave him fruit by picking some off the tree and swung down and handed it to him "scarf down" something means to eat it really fast[in a pinch]the elephant helped the other elephant that got its trunk stuck in a trap and couldnt eat it elped him eat by pulling down a tree branch and started feeding it
7. one time I saw a dog help a cat climb up a desk.

Antonio!.!.!!!!! said...

2.The male fox began pushing too hard.
3.The male fox ran after his playmate, bowed down, and rolled over.
4.Sniff helped the scientist by picking an armload of fruits, swung down on a vine, and handed them to the scientist.
1.If I don't play my way you don't play.

Ble$$ing said...

1.The first paragragh means that animals can have diffrent ways of saying and doing things like following rules to a pack.Also to go out of their way to do whats right. 2.The female fox stopped playing with the male because he was being to rough.
3.The male fox ran up to the female fox and bowed down and rolled over to say sorry.
4.By giving the hungry scientist a fruit off a tree.
5.Scarfed down means to eat quickly.
6.A forest elephant caught his trunk in a trap and , he'd torn off the tip.When the pain went awaystuck his trunk into the healthy elephant's mouth.
7.In North West texes a cat named Tom was getting ready for dinner and his owner would not give him dinner food unless he cought a mouse so the mouse Jerry let himcatch so tom could get his dinner.

Michaela said...

1.All animals have thier own code of how they live together.
2.The female fox stopped playing with the male fox because they were playing a little to rough.
3.The male fox still wanted to play with the female fox so he went after his playmate then bowed down and rolled over.
4.Sniff gave the scientest a fruit because he knew the scientest was hungry.
5.Scafed means you ate something a little to fast.
6.The forest elephant caught his trunk in a trap.While freeing himself, he'd torn off the tip of his lip.The Savanna elephant fed the forest elephant when he was hurt.
7.I once saw my fat cat named Lickerish help my 2 kitens named Candy and Hershy on a box a little shoter than me.

Hailey said...

1. In my own words, the first paragraph means to me that all animals can help each other. I think that is nice.
2. The female stoped playing with the male because he was pushing to hard.
3. The male reacted by running after he female and roling on his back, witch means he was sorry and he will play easyer. The female gave him another try.
4. Sniff helped the scientist by picking an armload of fruits, swung down on a vine, and handed them to the astonished scientist.
5. Scarfed down means to eat something with no probelm at all.
6. The whole story was about an elephant who saw a jungle elephant who was caught in a trap. The un-ingered elafant helped him out. He helped him out by giving him food from his mouth. They became good friends as well.
7. One time i wit nessed a nother animal was when my dog was starving, i didn't know so i went to go play. Then i let my cat out and i go to play again. the next thing i new, my cat was inn the food cabnet dumping food out to my dog for him to eat!!! After that i feed him, but i was justed amazed!

jenna.w said...

2.the female stoped playing with the male because he was toroug.
1.some anmils have the same code and some dont.
3. the male fox ran after his playmat bowed down and rolled over amd said dont leave i will play nice.
4.sniff helped by getting fruit for the scientist. eat vary fast.

Jane H. said...

1.the first paragragh means that some animals think the same way as othere animals.
2.the female fox stoped playing with the male fox was roughhousing.
3.the male fox reacted by runing to the play mate and bowing down and rowling over.
4.Sniff helped the scientist by giving him fruit because he was hungry eat super fast