Bullying in school has always been a problem, and the problem seems to be getting worse. Read this article on bullying and answer the blog questions. Working together, we can stop bullying once and for all!
1. Why do some people act like bullies?
2. What can parents, teachers, and students do to prevent bullying?
3. What does Edward Baker believe?
4. How many students miss school every day because they are afraid of getting bullied?
5. Describe the You Have the Power! program.
1.Some people act like bullies because might have been picked on or bulled as a kid.
2.They can help pervent bulling by helping younger kids be nice to other kids & stop acting agressivly towerds others.
3.He thinks that schools should pormot more kindness.
4.About 160,000 kids are affraid of being bulled so they skip school.
5.You Have the Power is a program for schools to help pervent bulling by gettingeveryone in the building invold.
1. Some people act like bullies because they were bullied as a child.
2. They can help prevent bullying by teaching their child to get along with others at a young age.
3. He thinks that schools should promote more kindness.
4. About 160,000 kids miss school every day because they are afraid of being bullied.
5. "You have the power!" is a program that helps parents to teach kids not to be bullies.
1.Some people act like bullies to impress their friends.
2.They can stop their children from bullying at an early age.
3.Edward Baker believes schools should premote kindness.
4.160,000 students miss school every day because they were bullied.
5.The You Have The Power Program is a program that works with students that are bullied or have been bullied in the past.
1. The reason why some people act like bullies because
2.Parents,teachers and students can prevent bulleing by teaching there kid not to behave agrassive around others or paraticapate in bulleing convention.
3.Edward Baker believes that shools should promote kindness,communication and conflict resolution skills.
4.160,000 miss shool everyday.
5.The You Have the Power!Program discribes high school students working whith 20 Rosa Parks
1.Some people act like bullies because they might have been punched or got picked on in there younger ages.
2.Teachers,parents, and students should mady have school security like walking in the hallways and at recess.
4. The aticle said adout 160,000 kids miss school a day because they are afrade they will get bullied.
3.Edward Baker thinks schools should premot kindness.
5.The YOU HAVE THE POWER session os opened to anyone to feel protected.
1.Maybe some kids act like bullies because they have beenteased.
2.They can prevent bullying by telling kids not to hurt kids .
3.He thinks schools should pormot moreKindess,communaction.
4.About 160,000 miss school because they are afraid to get bullied at school again.
5.The "You Have the Power" is a program that high school student work with 20 Rosa parks students toi spread anti bullying messages.
4. 160,000 U.S students miss school because they are afraid to be teased.
5. The " You Have the Power! program is somthing that anybody could join to help kids feel protected from bullies.
3. Edward Baker believes schools should promote kindness,communication and
conflict-resolution skills.
1. It has to do with how kids act at an early life.
1. Some people might be bulliing other people because the`ve probally been bullied before.
2. Parents, Teachers, and kids can try to talk to the bullies and try to make them stop bullying other children.
3.He thinks the scools should tell the kids to be more kind and gental to others.
4. About 160,000 kidsare affraid of being bullied so they miss school.
5."You have the power"!is a program that tells the parents to teach your kids to not be bullies.
1.Some people act like bullies because they were picked on or teased when they were young.
2.Parents, teachers, and students can stop bullying by starting a program to help the kids and bullies get along.
3.Edward Baker believes that schools should promote more kindness, communication and conflict-resolution skills
4.160,000 students miss school every day because they were afraid if being bullied
1.Some people act bullies because thair old class when younger and the way thair parents rasd them.
2.They can provet bullying by making a program to discuss the issues.
3.Edward Baker believes that tat schools should provid more kindness.
4.at lest 160,000 children missed school evry day.
5.The you have power program is about trying to prevent bullying.
1.some people mit act like bullies because they got bullied when they were a kind 2.if the teachers see the bullie bulling a kind they can call the bullies mom 3.he thinks that school should pormot more kindness 4.about 160,000 kinds miss school 5.you have the power is a program for schools to help bullies
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